I am a pig.
I will get this wig.
It will be a hit.
Wigs, Wigs, Wigs!
Learning Objective: Students will be able to decode words with a short vowel CVC pattern and understand the sequence of events in a story.
I am a pig.
I will get this wig.
It will be a hit.
No, pig. It will not fit.
It is big.
I will get this wig.
It will not be big.
No, pig. It did not fit.
It will rip. Get rid of it.
OK, kid. Will a pin fix it?
I will get you a wig that will fit.
Sit for a bit.
I will dig in the bin.
This is it.
It will fit.
A pig in a wig!
It is a hit.
More About the Article
English Language Arts Focus
Phonics and phonological awareness
Phonics Focus
Engineering and technology
Whole Group
Technology Time: Have children listen and read along by clicking the read-aloud button on the digital article.
Pairings and Text Connections
Before-Reading Resources
Suggested Reading Focus
After-Reading Skills Practice
Extension Craftivity
Skills: Main idea/Understanding idioms (15 minutes)