Image of a child walking into a wig store with a pig (All Images)

Pig in a Wig

Wigs, Wigs, Wigs!

By Janice Behrens
From the September 2023 Issue

Learning Objective: Students will be able to decode words with a short vowel CVC pattern and understand the sequence of events in a story.

Lexiles: 130L
Guided Reading Level: D
Word List: big, bin, bit, dig, fit, fix, hit, is, it, kid, pig, pin, rid, rip, sit, wig, will

I am a pig.

I will get this wig.

It will be a hit.

No, pig. It will not fit.

It is big.

I will get this wig.

It will not be big.

No, pig. It did not fit.

It will rip. Get rid of it. 

OK, kid. Will a pin fix it?

I will get you a wig that will fit.

Sit for a bit.

I will dig in the bin. 

This is it.

It will fit.

A pig in a wig!

It is a hit.

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More About the Article

English Language Arts Focus 

Phonics and phonological awareness


Phonics Focus

Engineering and technology

Step-by-Step Lesson Plan


Whole Group

Technology Time: Have children listen and read along by clicking the read-aloud button on the digital article.

Pairings and Text Connections

  • From the Storyworks archive: “Paired Text: Could You Be a LEGO Master?” May/June 2023
  • Suggested books: How to Build LEGO Cars by Hannah Dolan

Before-Reading Resources

  • Vocabulary Slideshow: (5 minutes) Race car, engine
  • Video: Making a LEGO Car (5 minutes) Use this video to encourage children to make connections between their background knowledge and the article.

Suggested Reading Focus

Phonics and Comprehension (20 minutes)
  • Review short vowel sounds. Then isolate and practice the short ī sound. Emphasize the difference between the short vowel sounds for the letters e and i.
  • Practice the CVC short -i pattern by creating a word ladder. Using a dry erase easel, draw a simple ladder.
  • On the top rung, write the word big. Write it again on the next rung. Erase the b and replace it with a d to make the word dig. Continue in the same way, erasing each changing letter and replacing it to make a new word. Build your 
  • ladder with words in order: big, dig, dip, lip, lit, sit
  • Review high-frequency words from the story. Students can practice reading words with a partner, as a class, and individually.
  • As children read, check comprehension. What does the pig want? What does it mean for something to “be a hit”? Does the pig get a wig? Is the wig a hit? How do you know?
  • Last, have students review the story and highlight words with the CVC short-i pattern.

After-Reading Skills Practice

  • Skills: Writing/Phonics (15 minutes)

Extension Craftivity

Skills: Main idea/Understanding idioms (15 minutes)

  • Remind students that if something “is a hit” that it is popular or well-liked. Challenge students to draw and color a pig in a wig. Review the wigs in the story. Students should design a wig that they think will be a hit!
