Max had a hat.

Marybeth Rivera (Yellow Robot, Hat); Marybeth Rivera (Yellow Robot, Hat); sudo takeshi/Getty Images (Pom-pom); Danny E. Rivera (lab coat, goggles); (All Other Images)
Zap That Hat
Have fun with decodable text.
By Janice Behrens
From the September 2024 Issue
Learning Objective: Students will decode short-a CVC words and understand the sequence of events in a story.
Skills Activities
More About the Article
English Language Arts Focus
Phonics and Phonological Awareness Fluency
Phonics Focus
short-a CVC words
Word List
Max, had, hat, Jax, sad, mad, at, bad, pal, zap, lab, tap, dab
High-Frequency Words
it, is, look, a
Challenge Words
that, flat, glad, new
Step-by-Step Lesson Plan
- Whole group
- Small group
- Technology time
Pairings and Text Connections
- From the Storyworks 1 archive: “Sam the Yam" (September 2022); "Mud Bath" (October/November 2022)
- Suggested books: The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot by Margaret McNamara; National Geographic Readers: Robots by Melissa Stewart; Unplugged by Steve Antony
Before-Reading Resources
- Word sounds slideshow (3 minutes) Warm up reading muscles by practicing short-a CVC words.
Suggested Reading Focus
Phonics and comprehension (20 minutes)
- Review short vowel sounds with students. Isolate and practice the short-a sound. Discuss the mouth shape when making the short-a sound.
- Practice the CVC short-a pattern by creating a word ladder. Using a dry-erase easel, write the following words in sequential order by erasing the changing letter:
- sad → mad → had → hat
- Review high-frequency words from the story. Students can practice reading words with a partner, as a class, and individually.
- As children read, check comprehension: What did Max have? Why was Max mad? How was Jax going to fix the hat? What does it mean to be a pal? Where does Jax zap the hat? Is the hat at the end of the story the same as at the beginning? How do Max and Jax feel at the end of the story?
- Have students review the story and highlight words with the short-a CVC pattern. They can practice by reading words aloud.
After-Reading Skills Practice
- Skills: Phonics
Online Game
Nosey Digs Phonics game (10 minutes)
- This interactive game provides fun practice with reading short-a CVC words.