1. Time to brush your teeth. Your toothbrush is made from animal hair. Yuck!

Division of Medicine and Science, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution (Boar Bristles); Vintage Images/Alamy Stock Photo (Nightgowns); iStockPhoto/Getty Images (Candle); Stefan Simonovski/Alamy Stock Photo (Lamp); Shutterstock.com (All Other Images)
Bedtime Long Ago
Imagine it is 200 years ago. It is time to get ready for bed. What do you do?
From the October/November 2024 Issue
Learning Objective: Students will discover what children's bedtime routines were like long ago by following an infographic.
Skills Activities
Answer Key
More About the Article
English Language Arts Focus
Nonfiction text features
Social Studies Focus
Step-by-Step Lesson Plan
- Whole group
- Small group
Pairings and Text Connections
- From the Storyworks 1 archive: “Background Builder: If You Lived 150 Years Ago . . .” (February 2024)
Suggested Reading Focus
Change over time (20 minutes)
- Preview the article with students. Point out that it is an infographic, which arranges pictures and text in a way that gives you information. Ask them what they notice about the nonfiction features.
- Ask children to think about what they do before they go to bed. What steps do they have to take? Tell them that you will be reading about what bedtime would have been like 200 years ago.
- Read the article. After each section, pause and check comprehension by asking students if that part of a bedtime routine resembles their own.
- After reading, use the last section of the infographic to prompt children to discuss how bedtime has changed. Summarize their learning through discussion or on chart paper.
After-Reading Skills Practice
- Skills: Main idea/writing (15 minutes)