Art By Elio
Who Will I Play With?
Help Leo solve his problem. Leo wants to make new friends but isn’t sure how.
By Janice Behrens
From the September 2022 Issue
Download All Quizzes and Activities
Skills Activities
Answer Key
About the Story
Social-emotional Learning Focus
Relationship skills
Making friends
English Language Arts Focus
Genres of literature
Step-by-Step Lesson Plan
The essential question of this issue is How Can We Be Brave? The articles below connect to this theme.
- Big Read-Aloud: “Dogs to the Rescue,” p. 10
- Word Play: “Ways to Say Brave,” p. 16
- Mini Graphic: “Sticky Situation: Who Will I Play With?,” p. 17
- Fiction: “My Name Is Zahara,” p. 24
- Poetry: “Brave Night,” p. 32
Through the above genres, students will discuss:
- What do the people (and animals!) in these stories do that is brave?
- When have you been brave?
- What happens when we are brave?
Morning Meeting
- If you use your morning meeting to build your classroom community, this mini graphic can be a great conversation starter.
Whole Group Activity
- Another suggestion is to read “Who Will I Play With?” during a whole-class read aloud. Once you’ve read and discussed the story together, have children act out the different parts.
Show a Video (10 minutes)
- This video teaches children about the features of a comic, or graphic novel.
- After watching, draw the features of a comic on chart paper. The features in the video are panels, speech bubbles, and thought bubbles. See if children can tell you what each one is for.
Set a Purpose for Reading (5 minutes)
- Open your magazines to the story. Ask: What kind of story is this (a comic, or a graphic novel)? How do they know?
- Tell children they will read about a boy named Leo. As they read, they can think about his problem and what he should do.
- Model reading the dialogue with expression. Check comprehension as you read each panel. Ask children what they can tell from the pictures.
- Discuss the Talk It Out! questions as a class.
SEL Focus: My Bravery Story (15 minutes)
- Children can share a story about when they were brave. (This skills page also goes with other stories in the issue.)
SEL Focus: Relationship Skills (10 minutes)
- Let children “finish” the story with What Should Leo Say?
SEL Focus: Relationship Skills (10 minutes)
- The Finish the Story skills page allows you to provide the same content at a lower skill level.